Onsite Wastewater Systems and Beyond
Explore All Our Offerings
Septic System Design
Full-service septic system design for new builds, upgrades, and repairs in the SF Bay Area.
Land Use Inspections
Fox Onsite Solutions acts as a government inspector to ensure that your land use inspection is completed and compliant before you begin your project.
CAU Fire Recovery
Fox Onsite Solutions is in charge of the CZU fire recovery and manages the regulator side of rebuilding 911 fire damaged properties.
From applying for Septic/OWTS Clearance to performing the percolation tests required for your build, we have the expertise to guide you through the permitting process for your septic project.
Septic Site Consultation
Get a better understanding of your site's build feasibility, design options, and permitting process with a Septic Site Consultation.
Percolation Tests
Every septic project begins with a percolation test. Perc tests use water absorption rates for specific parcels of land to determine the appropriate septic system that can be used for development.