Septic System Permitting In The San Francisco Bay Area

Confused about how permitting for wastewater systems works in Northern California?

We’re here to help.

From applying for Septic/OWTS Clearance to performing the percolation tests required for your build, we have the expertise to guide you through the process of getting your wastewater project started.

Before you begin your septic system build, you may be required to submit some (or all) of the following

Common Permit Requirements:

Permit Fee

This applies to new systems. There is no permit fee for OSS repairs & alterations.

Drinking Water Requirements

Applies to some projects seeking a building permit.

Building Permit Requirements

Applies to some projects seeking a building permit.

Declaration of Covenant & Monitoring and Maintenance Agreement

This applies to all system types except for gravity and pressure distribution systems

Not all of these requirements apply to every single project. Get clarity on exactly which requirements apply for your specific build with a consultation today.

Permitting Is A Complex Process

And that’s why it’s imperative that you work with a consultant with expertise in the field.

We specialize in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and Monterey and can help you save money, time, and the headache of dealing with the county.

Here’s How It Works:



Client contacts us with specific details about your project, including project scope (ex bedroom addition), APN, address, and any other applicable information.


Submit Permits

Fox Onsite Solutions reviews your parcel and helps you complete all permitting-related paperwork. We’ll submit the applications and schedule soil testing (percolation test + soil profile) with your county.


Soil Testing + Perc Tests

Soil Testing (perc test) is conducted and observed by the county. Through this testing a soil application rate is determined.


  • Every new or replacement septic system requires a permit, either through your local jurisdiction (City or County) OR from the Central Coast Water Board.

    Does your county have a Local Agency Management Plan?

    Septic systems where any of the following applies are required to obtain a permit from the Central Coast Water Board:

    New or replacement septic systems that do not meet the requirements of Tier 1 of the OWTS Policy.

    New or replacement septic systems in Santa Barbara County or Monterey County’s jurisdiction that do not meet the conditions and requirements set forth in an approved Local Agency Management Program (currently Santa Barbara County and Monterey County have approved programs) or Tier 1 of the OWTS Policy.

    Have a projected flow of over 3,500 gallons-per-day and located outside of Santa Barbara County or Monterey County's jurisdiction. Note the maximum flow under Tier 1 of the OWTS Policy is 3,500 gallons-per-day.

    Receives high-strength wastewater, unless the waste stream is from a commercial food service building.

    Receives high-strength wastewater from a commercial food service building: (1) with a BOD higher than 900 mg/L, or (2) that does not have a properly sized and functioning oil/grease interceptor.

    Septic systems that receive significant amounts of wastes from RV holding tanks.

  • Repairs that do not need a permit from the Central Coast Water Board:

    Minor repairs (e.g., replacement of a distribution box, broken piping connection, septic tank lid).

    Major repairs for systems that comply with the siting and design standards of Tier 1 of the OWTS Policy or the conditions and requirements set forth in an approved Local Agency management Program (currently Santa Barbara County and Monterey County have approved programs). Some examples of major repairs include baffle failure, tank structural integrity failure, or the dispersal system no longer adequately percolating the wastewater. [Note: Septic tank replacements that meet the standards listed in 8.2.2 of the OWTS Policy or an approved Local Agency Management Program do not need a permit from the Central Coast Water Board]

    For repairs that do not meet either of the two bullet points listed above, either authorization or a permit is required from the Central Coast Water Board. Please contact the Central Coast Water Board at to see if your repair qualifies for an authorization letter or if needs a permit. There is no cost for an authorization letter.

  • Permit applicants should submit the following:

    A completed Form 200, which is available at:

    A component of Form 200 is a Report of Waste Discharge. When completing a Report of Waste Discharge for an project that does not comply with OWTS Policy Tier 1, please follow these Instructions.

    Application fee is based on system complexity. This fee is updated every year and is found on the Water Quality Fees website here: For basic systems, the fee is 50% of a 3C rated discharge. Select the hyperlink for the most recent fiscal year named Water Quality Fee Schedule, look up the fee for a 3C discharge, and divide by 2.

    For questions and to submit your application, please contact or call at (805) 549-3891. Our email system can handle attachments that are up to 50 MB. If you do not receive a confirmation that we received your submittal, please contact us.

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